Run Prompty files directly in VS Code. This Visual Studio Code extension offers an intuitive prompt playground within VS Code to streamline the prompt engineering process. You can find the Prompty extension in the Visual Studio Code Marketplace.
Download the VS Code extension here.
Quickly create a basic prompty by right-clicking in the VS Code explorer and selecting "New Prompty."
Preview prompty similar to markdown with dynamic template rendering while typing, allowing you to see the prompt that will be sent to the model.
Define your model configurations directly in VS Code.
Quickly switch between different model configurations.
Use VS Code settings to define model configuration at:
User level for use across different prompty files.
Workspace level to share with team members via Git.
We strongly encourage using Azure Active Directory authentication for enhanced security. Leave the api_key
empty to trigger AAD auth.
OpenAI is also supported. You can store the key in VSCode settings or use ${env:xxx}
to read the API key from an environment variable.
file, in the same folder of the prompty file, or in the workspace root folder.Hit F5 or click the Run button at the top. There are two output windows:
Prompty Output shows a concise view.
Prompty Output (Verbose) shows detailed requests sent and received.
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